Money Is Not Everything :-)

Money Is Not Everything :-)
Money Is Not Everything :-)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Real Fact Of Money And Relationship :-)

Excess money teaches - two things in your life:

a) People who truly value your RELATIONSHIP

b) People who truly value your MONEY

“Only time will tell, whether you have MONEY or MANYJ

Rat Race :-)

Two guys were in the Jungle. They saw a hungry tiger attacking them.

Guy One: Started tightening his shoes lace.

Guy Two: Do you really think you can run faster than tiger?

Guy One: I don’t have to run faster than tiger. All I have to do is run faster than you, to save myself from tiger.

MORAL: To save your neck, whatever you do is ethical JJJ

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hopes Of Our Life :-)

If God meant a day to be perfect to all of us; then, he would not have created tomorrow. So, don’t worry if today was not a perfect day for you, you still have tomorrowJ. Always cherish and relish every moment of your life. After all, we all hold on to the rope of our life called HOPESJ

Monday, October 4, 2010

A Nice Presentation Of "PRESENT" :-)

Beautiful tomorrow never comes. When it comes, it is already TODAY. In the hunt for beautiful tomorrow, we end up wasting WONDERFUL TODAY. Past days are PAST and will never come again. FUTURE days are uncertain, so don’t worry about it. Enjoy present day and that’s why it is called “PRESENT” J

Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Tribute To Gandhiji And Others:-)

Britishers gave FREE DOOM to then FREE DUMB people and Gandhiji and others ensured that, we are free from DOOM and DUMB and helped us in getting FREEDOM from ACTUAL DUMBSJJJ - Happy Gandhi Jayanathi.