Money Is Not Everything :-)

Money Is Not Everything :-)
Money Is Not Everything :-)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Value Of Person :-)

Life starts with voice and joy but ends with silence and tears. We never know the value of person when he/she is alive and when we actually get to know the true value, he/she is no more thereL

Reality Redefined :-)

People who were beside you during your HAPPY DAYS may not be there with you during your SAD DAYS. That is life for you. Move on with your life by wiping your eyes using your own hands.

A Tribute To Mom :-)

A poor man says “work is life”, a rich man says “money is life”, a lover says “love is life”… but a mother will always say, “HER KID’S WELL BEING IS HER LIFEJ. Never let her down in your life J

Regrets Of Life :-)

“The worst regret we can have in our life is not for the WRONG THINGS we did… but for the RIGHT THINGS we could have done but never did”

Journey Of Life :-)

“In the journey of life, many of them gets depressed very soon and lose their grip of leading a simple life because, they MAJOR in MINOR things very soon”

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Money Is Not Everything :-)

“It is good to have money and things that money can buy. But it is good to check once in a while to make sure; you have not lost certain things that money cannot buy”

Friday, September 24, 2010

Heights Of Self Goal :-)

This incident happened last year. It was a planned vacation trip along with my family to Dharmastala and other close by places. It so happened that, I was in need of a company and asked one of my close friend to join the trip (Apparently he agreed to join us). I and my friend were sitting in the last row of the bus and I could see the discomfort on his face whenever our vehicle was approaching potholes or humps. But he managed the journey well blaming for himself I guess for accepting the invite to join us for tripJJJ.

After the tiresome journey, he got up from his place and this is the conversation that took place between both of us:

Raju: Kumar, (All my friends address me as Kumar)… I am feeling very tired… this has created pain in my TWO LIVERS!!!!!...

Shiv: I started laughing loud and was unable to control for more than 5 minutes.

Raju: why are you laughing like this???

Shiv: Raju, we don’t have two livers… I think you meant to say two kidneysJJJ

Raju: Oh is it… ok ok.. let this be between both of us and not revealed to any one.. don’t tell to any one please…

Shiv: Since he told me not to tell to any one, I was eager to tell to all my friendsJJJ (which apparently I didJJJ)

That got concluded and after a week, we met each other and were heading to a shopping complex… All of sudden I recollected the funny incident that took place during our trip and I started laughing… He looked at me and asked:

Raju: Kumar, why you are laughing?

Shiv: Nothing Raju… I just recollected that day’s incident…hehehehehe. Instead of two kidneys you said two liver na… hahahahaha…

Raju: When did I tell TWO LIVERS… I said TWO LUNGS… JJJJJJ

I was unable to control this and literally fell down near the footpath (He actually pointed out towards the kidney place to show the spot for lungs).. People around me were looking why I was behaving like this… but I knew the actual reason why I was laughing this loud.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Heights Of Innocence (Upside Down) :-)

On 26th Jan 2010; I was heading towards my aunt’s place. As I was entering their house, I happened to see one of my nephew’s slipper turned upside down. As many of you would be aware, in our Hindu tradition, we want our foot wears to be in normal position when it is left outside the entrance door (even I am unsure why it is followedL). Seeing the same, I told my nephew (5 yrs old) to put his slippers to normal position. After few minutes, I was heading back home and just happened to see both the slippers were infact turned upside down!!!!! JJJ

I was unable to control my laugh and I called him and asked what he has done!! He was not sure as to what to answer…hehehe. This is for sure “Heights Of Innocence”.

Time Factor :-)

Never fly high that you have got everything in your life or feel sad for not getting something in your life. Because, time fly so fast that, you never know what you would lose or gain in the next second.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Money And Advice :-)

There are lots of people to give “ADVICE” because it is “FREE OF COST”. But try tagging their advice to get some “FINANCIAL HELP” from them; you will surely be “FREE FROM THEIR ADVICE”J

Lakshmi Festival :-)

Many of them pray pray and pray with lot of offerings on the occasion of Lakshmi festival with only one intention.... and that is to increase the quantity of money what they want to possess:-)  

No matter how much we offer pooja to Goddess Lakshmi, it is only our hard earned money that will stay with us.

"Source of money matters a lot in determining whether the money will be "saved" or "shaved" over a period of time"

Om Sri Ganeshaya Namaha