Money Is Not Everything :-)

Money Is Not Everything :-)
Money Is Not Everything :-)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Heights Of Innocence (Upside Down) :-)

On 26th Jan 2010; I was heading towards my aunt’s place. As I was entering their house, I happened to see one of my nephew’s slipper turned upside down. As many of you would be aware, in our Hindu tradition, we want our foot wears to be in normal position when it is left outside the entrance door (even I am unsure why it is followedL). Seeing the same, I told my nephew (5 yrs old) to put his slippers to normal position. After few minutes, I was heading back home and just happened to see both the slippers were infact turned upside down!!!!! JJJ

I was unable to control my laugh and I called him and asked what he has done!! He was not sure as to what to answer…hehehe. This is for sure “Heights Of Innocence”.

1 comment:

  1. nice post, but one line "even I am unsure why it is followedL" contradicts your claim at About me "Strict follower of LORD GANESHA"
