Money Is Not Everything :-)

Money Is Not Everything :-)
Money Is Not Everything :-)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Heights Of Self Goal :-)

This incident happened last year. It was a planned vacation trip along with my family to Dharmastala and other close by places. It so happened that, I was in need of a company and asked one of my close friend to join the trip (Apparently he agreed to join us). I and my friend were sitting in the last row of the bus and I could see the discomfort on his face whenever our vehicle was approaching potholes or humps. But he managed the journey well blaming for himself I guess for accepting the invite to join us for tripJJJ.

After the tiresome journey, he got up from his place and this is the conversation that took place between both of us:

Raju: Kumar, (All my friends address me as Kumar)… I am feeling very tired… this has created pain in my TWO LIVERS!!!!!...

Shiv: I started laughing loud and was unable to control for more than 5 minutes.

Raju: why are you laughing like this???

Shiv: Raju, we don’t have two livers… I think you meant to say two kidneysJJJ

Raju: Oh is it… ok ok.. let this be between both of us and not revealed to any one.. don’t tell to any one please…

Shiv: Since he told me not to tell to any one, I was eager to tell to all my friendsJJJ (which apparently I didJJJ)

That got concluded and after a week, we met each other and were heading to a shopping complex… All of sudden I recollected the funny incident that took place during our trip and I started laughing… He looked at me and asked:

Raju: Kumar, why you are laughing?

Shiv: Nothing Raju… I just recollected that day’s incident…hehehehehe. Instead of two kidneys you said two liver na… hahahahaha…

Raju: When did I tell TWO LIVERS… I said TWO LUNGS… JJJJJJ

I was unable to control this and literally fell down near the footpath (He actually pointed out towards the kidney place to show the spot for lungs).. People around me were looking why I was behaving like this… but I knew the actual reason why I was laughing this loud.

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